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43,3814£% -0.08










Building the new world order: Warning to the people

Building the new world order: Warning to the people


The most popular topic in the upcoming days will be “The Great Reset”. What is the great reset? Lots of definitions could be made. We can define the Great Reset in simple terms: a great change in the international monetary system. Yes, the system in which dollar is the reserve currency is collapsing. The ones who control the monetary system, are imposing a new system in place of the one collapsing, which will be once again in their own control. To be able to foresee what the future holds, we need to know what has happened in the past.


The Gold Standard


Until 1914, the gold standard was in use globally. Every country’s currency was fixed to a certain amount of gold. It was possible to convert a countries currency to gold. Countries who wished to engage in trade, had to keep gold in their treasuries equivalent to the money they were printing.


For example, given two countries engaging in trade, when one country sold more to the other, the country with the foreign trade deficit had to transfer an equivalent amount of gold. For this reason, countries who had trade deficits, continuously experienced money shortage. The money shortage led to prices falling even further. Simultaneously, in countries with a trade surplus, because there was too much gold circulating in the market, prices were rising. This led merchants to invest in cheaper countries to make use of the lower prices. Thus, a kind of balance was achieved in the market.

It was not possible to control the amount of money in the market, as it was not possible to control the supply of gold, which is a very limited metal in production. Since the amount of money in the market could not be reduced or increased by various manipulations, it was not possible to keep the economy in balance in crisis situations such as epidemics, wars and natural disasters, and there were constant bankruptcies.

At that time, big bankers were acting as central banks and were lending to states. However, regardless of this situation, the gold-based monetary system was completely under the control of the states. It was out of the question for the great bankers to control states, however the amount of influence they had in world politics would be determined by the amount of gold reserves they held in their hands.


Before the war, some of the world’s great bankers had immigrated to America from Europe. However, at the time the USA did not hold any significant influence in world politics. The age was the age of empires. Britain, Germany, France, Austria-Hungary, Tsarist Russia and the Ottoman Empire were all empires. Given that they owned a monopoly of both political, religious and military power, it was not possible to direct emperors, kings or sultans, with only a limited amount of economic power.

There was no king present in the USA. The absence of a king taught the great bankers who migrated to this new world something new: it was impossible to buy off kings and sultans, but in democracies it was possible to buy off a deputy, a minister or even a prime minister. Especially if they were a little bit fond of money, being rich and got involved in corruption, things could go much easier. The fear of falling from power, the necessity to win the next election, and the need for money to win next election made elected politicians controllable. The republican regime and democracy were more favorable governmental systems for ultra-rich who controls huge capital.  Empires had to be ended, and small countries ruled by the Republic had to be created out of empires torn apart by nationalist currents. Of course, while doing all of this, the international monetary system had to also be changed and a new monetary system in which the global capital would be more effective had to be established.


Transition to the cash system


As World War I approached, there was a serious ongoing economic crisis in the world. In 1907, the churn of Wall Street had created great panic, causing everyone to want to storm the banks and withdraw their money. The banks were all private, they were collecting money from the deposits of the public and distributing these deposits as loans to investors or lending them to the government. Banks were able to distribute much more credit and loans than deposited in this system called “bank deposits”. In this respect, when people wanted to withdraw their money in panic, it was not possible for banks to meet the amount of money people requested. Because money had a gold equivalent, it was not possible to generate extra money.


Finance giant J.P. Morgan did his best to save the sinking banks, but his economic strength was insufficient. In order not to experience similar crises again, J.P. Morgan imposed the central bank idea that he had been thinking for a long time on the Federal Government. Eventually, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913, authorizing 12 Federal Reserve banks to issue money to ensure economic stability. There was now a flexible monetary policy. In a crisis to be experienced, when the public attacked the banks in panic, the green bills (dollar) would be printed and given to the citizens, thus preventing the bankruptcy of big banks. The wealth of the ultra-rich had to always be secure.

The New York Reserve Bank, the largest of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks, was in key position. The Federal Reserve Board, at the top of all Federal Central Banks, were determining the monetary policy. This whole system was called the Federal Reserve (FED). The FED first minted a new currency in 1914, called the Federal Reserve Note. Thus, the “dollar” was born. This green bill was not backed up by gold. There was only a government guarantee behind it. The value on the bill was guaranteed to be paid by the American State. The government had given the FED the power to issue money, but this institution was not under the control of the US Government. Thus, 8 families holding their shares in the Central Bank had gained the power of creating money.


When this green dollar bill was first printed, it had no value outside of the United States. At that time, the US economy had surpassed the British economy as the greatest economy in the world. However, Britain was still at the center of world trade. The British pound was still fixed to and backed up by gold and many countries were engaging in trade in British pounds. World War I was going to change this order. When the war broke out, many countries had to abandon the gold standard to pay their military expenses in cash. At the end of the war, European economies had collapsed, empires were fragmented, republic-ruled nation-states had emerged. The gold standard had to be abandoned. The strongest currency was the dollar, the currency of the US, which hadn’t experienced war on its territory. The great bankers had succeeded in establishing the world order they wanted.


The Bretton Woods System


The dollar’s reign did not last long. The inability of the FED to manage the money supply and printing excessive dollars caused the “Depression of 1929”. The depression had hit the whole world. Especially in industrialized cities, the streets were full of an army of unemployed and homeless. Agricultural production had fell, and food was difficult to access. There was a 42% decrease in the production of goods and services worldwide, and world trade had decreased by 65%. There was only one way out of this deep economic crisis; war. The war would automatically abolish unemployment, some of the unemployed population would die, and the stalled factories would start working again to produce weapons. A new monetary system and a new world order would be built from the destruction caused by the war. In the meantime, the great bankers would also be earning a whole lot of money.


World War II had destroyed all warring countries, except the United States, which did not see war on its territory. The need for reconstruction in these countries meant the growth of economies. A system that would control both economic growth and the world had to be established. The victorious states after the war sat at the bargaining table for establishing the new world order. The United States, by dropping atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, sat at the table with a terrifying show of force, dictating the new world order to everyone. State representatives were sitting on bargaining table, but behind them all was the Global Capital, or in other words, “Stateless Money”. Stateless Money has no nationality, no party line, (no religious) morality and owes nothing to anybody except its owners and shareholders. The United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the first core of World Trade Organization, GATT, was established. The US dollar was agreed to be made a world reserve currency with the agreement signed at the UN monetary and finance conference, gathered in Bretton Woods, a small town in the US state of New Hampshire. Trade in the world would now be conducted in American dollars. The dollar had its gold equivalent. For $ 35, 1 ounce of gold (31,03 g) could be purchased. The dollar was again the strongest currency in the world. Therefore, the families that retained the authority to print the dollar were back on their thrones again.


Transition to the petro-dollar system


This order also did not last long. After being destroyed in war, Europe gradually recovered, started production again and rejoined the negotiation for the market. After a while, European countries, which were raising money by selling goods to the whole world, were saying “take your green dollar bills and give our gold back” to the USA. The FED did not have enough gold stocks to meet the demand of European countries. US President Richard M. Nixon announced to the world in 1971 that the dollar did not have an equivalent to gold. The Bretton Woods deal had collapsed. The dollar began to depreciate rapidly. With the weakening of the dollar, Stateless Money (Global Capital), which held the power to create and print the dollar, was also weakening. The 8 families were losing their control of the world. The rapidly depreciating dollar had to be saved.


In this period when nuclear weapons were becoming widespread, another world war could be the end of the world. A war of smaller scale was required to bring the new monetary system to life. The solution was found by the US Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. In 1973, the Yom Kippur war took place. The Arabs attacked Israel on their holy holiday. It was the USA that encouraged the Arabs to attack, who set up the bench behind the scenes.



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